Mission + Values
We established Green Fire, LLC in 2021 with the goal of bringing a greater ecological perspective to land stewardship, building relationships and conservation communities across parcel boundaries, and putting into practice the big picture Land Ethic that Aldo Leopold formulated in the early 20th century. The slogan we use, "Think like a Mountain", and the company name are derived from Aldo Leopold's essay "Thinking Like a Mountain". That there is a deeper meaning to be found within the interconnected landscapes we surround ourselves with, if one only takes a moment to observe it and reflect upon what they see.
Miles Thompson
Owner - Ecologist
Miles Thompson is an experienced ecologist who has spent over 17 years working on biology, conservation and land management projects. His main focus is on the overall ecological function of native communities and educating individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations about the importance of preserving and restoring native ecosystems. Miles holds a B.S in Fisheries from Kansas State University and a M.S. in Aquaculture and Fisheries from the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff. He has planned and managed restoration and habitat projects across Wisconsin, including oak savanna and prairie reconstruction, wildlife habitat planning and management, cropland conversion, forest stand improvement, invasive species control, bluff stabilization, rainwater management and bioswale systems.
In his spare time, Miles volunteers his expertise to conservation organizations like the Wisconsin Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers and the Lakeshore Chapter of Trout Unlimited, two groups with which he is deeply involved in. He also likes the challenges of hunting and fly fishing in the wild and undeveloped backcountry, where he can escape the pace of modern life and immerse himself in the rhythms and solitude of nature.
Our mission is to promote ecological sustainability and biodiversity through the responsible management of natural habitats. We strive to preserve and restore native ecosystems, taking into account the unique characteristics of each area and the species that depend on them. We aim to create healthy and resilient ecosystems that can adapt to environmental changes and support the well-being of both wildlife and people. Our commitment to ecological principles guides us in all aspects of our work, from habitat assessment and restoration to education and outreach.
Our vision is to be a leader in sustainable land management, where our efforts contribute to the restoration and preservation of diverse and resilient native ecosystems. We envision a future where land management practices prioritize ecological integrity, protect biodiversity, preserve native species, and enhance ecosystem services provided by a natural environment.
We value putting a Land Ethic into practice as a business; caring for the land, caring for the people, and caring for the connections between people and the land.